100th score published in the Forbidden Music Regained series!

Donemus, in collaboration with the Leo Smit Foundation and the Netherlands Music Institute, is proud to present a new volume in its series “Forbidden Music Regained.” This completes the series of 100 titles, ranging from solo and chamber works to orchestral works to operas and oratorios. The publication of the series was kindly supported by the Music Investment Fund (Buma/Stemra with the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science – OC&W), Rudi Martinus van Dijk Foundation, Stichting Nederlands Muziek Instituut and David G. Pollart Center for Arts and Humanities at Washington State University. The series keeps growing, and we are looking forward to establishing new partnerships with the aim of bringing more scores to the attention of worldwide musicians and researchers.

The entire series is divided into four Volumes (25 scores each), available as hardbound scores (A4 format), and softbound pocket scores (A5 format). All titles can also be purchased separately, as hardcopy or PDF. To mark the occasion of reaching 100 scores, we are giving a special discount to all those who are interested in purchasing one or more volumes of the Forbidden Music Regained series: €650 for a full volume of hardbound A4 scores and €300 for softbound A5 scores. For those interested in obtaining the entire series, we are happy to offer an even bigger discount and provide all 100 scores for €2000 (A4) and €1000 (A5). The offer will expire at the end of December 2023.

Click here for more information about all the volumes, including the list of titles:

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Read more about the Forbidden Music Regained Festival on Saturday, December 9th

100th score published in the Forbidden Music Regained series! on Spotify

100th score published in the Forbidden Music Regained series! on SoundCloud

Published 1 year ago

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