About Donemus

We strive to be the nexus for contemporary classical music,
taking relish in every opportunity to let our composers’ music be heard.

Our Team

Davo van Peursen
Managing Director
Aleksandra Markovic
Manager New Titles | Rental & Sales
Valeria Gorokhovskaya
Promoter | Composers & Repertoire
Gabriëlle van Oosterom
Office Manager
Marie Nečasová
Promoter | Composers & Repertoire
Tobias de Haas
Chief Editor
Iva Micanovic
Production Assistant
Julia Juraschewski
Chief Editor


Donemus is renowned for the quality of its editions. This is not only due to the tireless effort and professionalism of our editorial staff.
We can maintain this standard because we believe in reciprocity and transparency.

The composers we represent actively partner with us. That allows us to enter into a lively dialogue and assist our composers where help is needed. In return, the composers support and complement us. Thanks to this combined effort, we are able to offer you musical scores of the highest quality.

We are driven to stay ahead of the curve and plot out routes beneficial for the contemporary classical music genre as a whole. To keep an eye out for emerging talent, we have established the Donemus Academy. Here we coach young composers to carve out a niche of their own and teach them to aptly deal with the less glamorous aspects of their career.

Thanks to our music labels, the music of our composers can be listened to on Spotify, Apple Music and numerous other streaming music services. Currently, the music of our composers and the musicians performing this music reaches listeners in over 180 countries.

The world of music publishing and licensing can be murky at times. We cherish transparency and honesty. That’s why we give our composers easy online access to accurate overviews of their sales, revenues, royalties and expenses. We show the same level of accuracy and openness when we inform orchestras and licensees about our rates.

Please bear in mind, we will always help you along when it comes to the exposure of our composers or the musicians and orchestras performing their music.

When we rent out our symphonic repertoire, there will be no hassle with sending hardcopies back and forth, sign offs or other outdated complexities. We have digitized our repertoire, making it easy to rent the editions you desire.
But of course we are happy to oblige if your orchestra needs hardcopies.

Whether digital files or hardcopies, you are allowed to keep the rented editions on permanent loan.

We want to display a compendium of contemporary classical music. To reach this lofty goal, we do not only look to the future, but also to the past. When we stumble upon obscure handwritten scores we consider to be of historical significance, we go to great lengths to convert these scores into modern digital editions.

Partnering with the Dutch Music Institute, the Leo Smit Foundation and countless other benefactors gives us the opportunity to rummage through numerous archives, thus uncovering a wealth of scores to share with our peers.

Our Board

Paul Oomens (55) is Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Hout- en Meubileringscollege in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. He has an extensive record of service in various departments and until recently was director of the MBO Council, the association of all publicly funded schools in secondary vocational education. He is also dramaturge and business manager of KamerOperaProject.
Leo Samama is a composer and musicologist. He was a teacher at the Utrecht Conservatory for many years, an assistant professor at the University of Utrecht, and a guest teacher at numerous conservatoires and universities. He has written several books on music, including the standard work "Dutch music in the 20th century" and the recent monograph "Alphons Diepenbrock, composer van het vocale" (2012).
Marja Molewijk brings around 40 years of experience in policy making, financing and organisation of performing arts. In her early career she worked as producer and/or business manager for several organisations such as the Holland Festival, the Utrecht Early Music Festival and the Ebony Band. The second half of her career she worked as senior policy advisor arts and culture for the City of The Hague.
Oscar van Dillen is composer and visual artist. Next to his music education he also studied architecture and mathematics. He was a founding member of the Rotterdam School of Composers, having written its manifesto in 1997. In a more advisory role, he was on the board of Wikimedia International, having founded the Wikimedia organizations in the Netherlands as chairman. He teaches at Codarts Rotterdam Conservatory.
Elise is an attorney-at-law lawyer and specialist in the fields of intellectual property law, advertising law and commercial contracts. She provides advice and litigates in the fields of law governing copyrights, trading names, trademarks, copyrights, designs, inventions and advertising, amongst others. She is also active in drafting and assessing commercial contracts, such as general terms and conditions.
Jaap van Hellenberg Hubar works as Coordinator Artistic Affairs at Dutch National Opera & Ballet. He is responsible for the artistic collaboration between Dutch National Opera and Dutch partner organisations. He leads negotiations and draws up agreements. Together with the Head of Artistic Affairs, he is responsible for the negotiations and agreements about DNO’s international cooperation.

A brief history

Donemus (compounded from Documentatiecentrum NederlandseMuziek) is the Dutch institute dealing with the documentation of contemporary music composed in the Netherlands. Founded in 1947 Donemus published thousands of scores and produced all instrumental parts. After 2000 Donemus merged with organizations like Centrum voor Nederlandse Muziek (CNM), RIM, Gaudeamus and the NPI. In January 2013 Donemus started publishing on a commercial basis.


Our main stakeholder is Het Nieuw Genootschap van Nederlandse Componisten.
Composers deliver the musical content that Donemus can publish.
At least one composer is part of the board of the Stichting Donemus Beheer.

Other institutes are closely related as well, like the NMI (Nederlands Muziek Instituut) in The Hague, where many of the original manuscripts are stored. Donemus is member of the VMN, the Dutch Association for Music Publishers. Furthermore, the managing director of Donemus is chairman of the Buma Members’ Council.


The Foundation called ‘Stichting Donemus Beheer’ is the rights owner of all contracts. It is the legal successor of Music Center the Netherlands. As a non-profit organization it will apply for funding or subsidy or look for sponsors for special projects. The Foundation has the so-called ANBI-status.

The Foundation deals with projects like the ‘Donemus Academy’.
It looks for ways to support young composers at the beginning of their careers.

Stichting Donemus Beheer
Postbus 3060
2280 GB Rijswijk

Chamber of Commerce no: 56629354
ABN AMRO 626372801
IBAN NL82ABNA0626372801

General terms and conditions


Download our annual reports

Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2020
Annual Report 2019
Annual Report 2018
Annual Report 2017
Annual Report 2016
Annual Report 2015

The complete history

Interested in the rich history of the Donemus institute?
Then download the free e-book written in 1997 by Johan Kolsteeg on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Donemus. The book, called ‘Eén groot oeuvre’, is an impressive story about Donemus and composers. A repeating history about discussions on promotion, publishing and attracting audiences. In Dutch only.
Download ‘Eén groot oeuvre’
