Arend Gerds

November 4, 1987


From 2007 to 2013 Arend Gerds (Groningen, November 4, 1987) studied at the ArtEZ Conservatory with Alex Manassen (NL) and Montclair State University (USA) with V.J. Manzo, Robert Aldridge, and Ting Ho where he obtained a bachelor’s and master’s degree in composition.
During his master’s degree, he specialized in music technology and programming audio software using the program Max Msp. This resulted in the master thesis Maximized and the program ‘Spectrum’: a program which generates music on the basis of probability.


As a composer, Arend Gerds shows affinity with both contemporary composing techniques and more traditional writing styles, both of which recur in a blended form in his own sound idiom and music.
Recently he wrote compositions for Stichting Ivak, the North-Netherlands Saxophone Quartet, Gronings Vuur, the KNMO, Fonds Podiumkunsten, the Ad Hoc vacation orchestra, Koperguod, Zomerorkest Nederland and others.
His music is published by donemus and
Teacher/ conductor

He currently works as an autonomous composer, conductor and teacher, including at the ArtEZ Conservatory, where he teaches music theory

Live performances of Arend Gerds’s works

Arend Gerds on Spotify

Arend Gerds on SoundCloud

Recently published works by Arend Gerds
