Sem Dresden / Marius Flothuis / Lex van Delden / Leo Smit

Sunday, 9 June 2024   |   14:00 - 15:30

Sem Dresden / Marius Flothuis / Lex van Delden / Leo Smit

The last concert of this season at the Muziekkamer aan de Amstel (Music Room on the Amstel) by Leo Smit Foundation which has invited an excellent flute/harp duo. They participated with great enthusiasm in the Festival Forbidden Music Regained in December 2023. The duo has asked violist Ruth Bosboom to participate in this concert. The three of them will perform Leo Smit’s Trio, written in 1926 for the famous harpist Rosa Spier.


Sem Dresden (1881-1957) Sonate for flute and harp (1918)
Marius Flothuis (1914-2001) Sonata da Camera for flute and harp (1943)
Lex van Delden (191-1988) Duo per Flauto ed Arpa (1950)
Leo Smit (1900-1943) Trio pour flûte, alto et harpe (1926)

  • Composer(s): Sem Dresden / Marius Flothuis / Lex van Delden / Leo Smit
  • Title(s) of the Work(s):

    Sem Dresden (1881-1957) Sonate for flute and harp (1918)
    Marius Flothuis (1914-2001) Sonata da Camera for flute and harp (1943)
    Lex van Delden (191-1988) Duo per Flauto ed Arpa (1950)
    Leo Smit (1900-1943) Trio pour flûte, alto et harpe (1926)

  • Performer, Ensemble or Orchestra: Iara de Carvalho Perillo flute, Hedwig Brieffies harp, Ruth Bosboom viola


Jun 09 2024


14:00 - 15:30


Amsterdam, Muziekkamer aan de Amstel
Amstel 57, Amsterdam

Sem Dresden / Marius Flothuis / Lex van Delden / Leo Smit on Spotify

Sem Dresden / Marius Flothuis / Lex van Delden / Leo Smit on SoundCloud

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Kerkplein 9, 2851 CJ Haastrecht

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Heuvel 140, 5611 DK Eindhoven

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Kerklaan 4, 4944 VB Raamsdonk

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