The first presentation of the project, before the works Petra Strahovnik will produce, takes place on September 1st 19:00 at Tarwekamp 3 in The Hague.
The project kicks-off with an intensive performance art workshop by Jürgen Fritz, where the members of the ensemble, partners of the project, and Petra, will look for their performative state and break through their own limits. The ensemble opens its doors to the workshop room to present a three-hour performance based on the workshop experience. It is not a piece by Petra, but rather a chance to peek into the working mode and the potential of the collaboration between her and the group.
Please join Modelo62 for this performance, it’s completely free; from 19:00 to 22:00.
You can come in the middle, come in and out, stay for the whole time.
September 1st 19:00 at Tarwekamp 3 in The Hague
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