DCV 208
Monads and Beyond
"I translate concepts into unique, immersive sonic experiences. My work is determined by ideas and their methods - not as the result per se. Rooted in tradition, my work has developed beyond music, sound art, sound plastics. Emerged systems as the next level in Sonic Spaces, where the traditional boundaries between these domains will dissolve." - Roland Kuit, 1st Dutch composer with sonic art in space on board of the OSIRIS-Rex mission.
Composers in the crosshairs of our attention
"Creativity is an unconscious act of insanity, in a burst of which the truth is born. No matter how beautiful or disgusting it may seem to people far from madness, its value is beyond doubt, both for the author and for those able to sense its invisible beauty. After all, gratitude for endless trials and suffering brings joy and blissful emptiness… Being shocked by music is about pain turning into beauty and getting under your skin, taking away your breath; about everything stopping to move. I want to be scratched inside by sound and experience the fleeting, invisible beauty." - Maxim Shalygin