Rokus de Groot / Daan Manneke
Jeroen den Herder in conversation with free thinkers who have made their mark earned in music. With a wealth of experience, and still does unapologetically, they talk about a lifetime of being in motion new ideas. How do you find free space again and again, so that you can…music – and life – again and again as something fresh and innovative experience? And of course there is music! Together with Jeroen, the guests draw a picture program with personal favourites and pieces that spark conversation replenish. So that everything that cannot be put into words is also told gets space. Today’s guest is Rokus de Groot. This leading composer and musicologist is best known for his unique blend of Western and non-Western musical cultures. As a former professor of musicology at the University of Amsterdam, he built a bridge between musical traditions from different worlds. His work is running about how music can shape spiritual and cultural identities connect and enrich. De Groot’s compositions, steeped in it’s influences from India and the Middle East are a search for deeper musical connections and are performed worldwide by leading ensembles and musicians. Together with Jeroen, Rokus explores his admiration for Bach and his former teacher Ton de Leeuw. They also discuss the relevance of ‘musical thinking’ and different compositions from Rokus. This way you can hear him yourself when he says ‘Surprise of meeting’ plays – music that is about surprising amazement, strength and tenderness that you can experience during certain encounters your life.
Bach – Gambasonate in G
Rokus de Groot – 5 inventies
Bach – Preludium in F, Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, deel II
Rokus de Groot – Reflection on Bach in F
Stravinsky – Koraal uit de Symfonieën voor blaasinstrumenten
Rokus de Groot – Psalm
Rokus de Groot – Surprise of meeting
Daan Manneke – Tombeau pour Ton de Leeuw
- Composer(s): Rokus de Groot / Daan Manneke
Title(s) of the Work(s):
Rokus de Groot – 5 inventies
Rokus de Groot – Reflection on Bach in F
Rokus de Groot – Psalm
Rokus de Groot – Surprise of meeting
Daan Manneke – Tombeau pour Ton de Leeuw - Performer, Ensemble or Orchestra: Rokus de Groot piano, Jeroen den Herder cello, Hua-Hsuan Lee piano